Austin 2016 Summer Farm Share/CSA – Week 7

Our Texas summer heat is in full force now and the garden is fighting its way through as best it can. Some veggies are thriving in this weather such as melons and Armenian cucumbers. Others are struggling. Tomatoes and peppers don’t fruit well in this heat. The plants have a great root system that has been established since the spring so when the weather begins to cool they will be ready to fruit again.

This week our harvest is less than usual due to the heat. CSA members experience the ups and downs of the farm together with us and understand how weather patterns effect the harvest.  We’re supplementing shares this week with some produce grown by some of our local farming friends. Your potatoes were grown by Skinny Lane Farm in Elgin and some of the okra and spaghetti squash were grown at the Bernhardt’s farm also in Elgin.

Fall planting had begun this week as we look forward to cooler temps. In the meantime we are doing everything we can to beat the heat! We are growing some sunflower and pea sprouts to supplement shares in the coming weeks!  We trust you’ll still have plenty for your summer meals.  Thanks for participating with us in this farming season!

Here’s our expected harvest this week:

Full Share: Tomatoes or Eggplant, Squash, Cucumber, Melon, Potatoes, Basil, Okra, Peppers, Onions, Winter squash, Rosemary

Half Share: Squash, Cucumber, Melon, Basil, Okra, Peppers, Onions, Winter squash, Rosemary

Blessing Falls Summer Week 7 Full Share: Armenian cucumber, tomatoes, melon, winter squash, peppers, basil, garlic, onions, squash, Rosemary, potatoes, okra

Blessing Falls Summer Week 7 Full Share: Armenian cucumber, tomatoes, melon, winter squash, peppers, basil, garlic, onions, squash, Rosemary, potatoes, okra

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