Austin 2016 Summer Farm Share/CSA – Week 5

poultsThe turkeys arrived safe and sound and are settling in well.  Three of the original 16 have died, which is about the usual attrition rate the first week, unfortunately.  A fourth is growing slowly but is eating OK so hopefully will strengthen.  The rest are growing quickly, running around, and look very healthy.  These are heritage breeds – Black Spanish, Bourbon Red, and Royal Palm and will be raised on pasture.  As you can see we won’t have a great many this year so let us know soon if you’re interested in reserving a turkey for Thanksgiving.  We’ll get back to you about a deposit after these are safely past the 3-4 week period when they are most fragile.

Here’s our expected harvest this week:

Full Share: Okra, Potatoes (2 lbs), Basil, Squash, Cucumber, Onions, Eggplant, Peppers, Tomatoes, Garlic, Edible marigolds, Melon, Garlic chives, Rosemary

Half Share: Okra, Potatoes (2 lbs), Basil, Squash or cucumber, Onions, Eggplant, Peppers, Tomatoes, Garlic

Blessing Falls Summer Week 5 Farm Share: Marigolds, cucumber, potatoes (from Skinny Lane Farm), tomatoes, melon, onions, garlic, eggplant, garlic chives,  squash, Rosemary, Thai chilies, basil, okra

Blessing Falls Summer Week 5 Farm Share: Marigolds, cucumber, potatoes (from Skinny Lane Farm), tomatoes, melon, onions, garlic, eggplant, garlic chives, squash, Rosemary, Thai chilies, basil, okra


This week’s share will feature Basil.  Here’s a post from an earlier season sharing several ways to cook with basil along with tomatoes and garlic.

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