Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 8

We’re picking blackberries every evening and hope to have enough for everyone this week, all full and half shares.  Those who came out for our open farm day last week saw the first cucumbers of the season that will be ready for harvest this week.  Also a lots of green tomatoes as well as blooms on the cantaloupe vines.  Eggplant, peppers , watermelon are growing well and will follow those a bit, with the okra and other summer favorites.

Here’s our expected harvest this week:

Full Share:  Chard, Kale (double portion), Turnips, Carrots (double portion), Thyme, Squash, Beans, Dill, Cucumber, Flowers, Cabbage (2), Blackberries, Amaranth Leaves, Beets (double portion), Onion, Radishes

Half Share: Chard, Kale, Turnips, Carrots, Thyme, Squash, Beans or Blackberries, Onion, Flowers, Cabbage

Blessing Falls Spring CSA - Week 8 Full Share.  (clockwise from top left) Onion, thyme, amaranth leaves, blackberries, cabbage, squash, flowers, kale, beans, radishes, carrots, dill, chard, turnips, beets, Chinese cabbage, Portuguese kale

Blessing Falls Spring CSA – Week 8 Full Share. (clockwise from top left) Onion, thyme, amaranth leaves, blackberries, cabbage, squash, flowers, kale, beans, radishes, carrots, dill, chard, turnips, beets, Chinese cabbage, Portuguese kale


If you want to preserve some of the cabbage in this week’s shares, try this simple sauerkraut recipe.  We’ve been enjoying the greens and carrots in chopped salads like the one mentioned last week.  But remember it’s easy to preserve the cabbage as sauerkraut – it works for all types of cabbage.

Here’s another favorite the kids might even love….

Creamy Squash with Bacon

3 slices bacon, chopped
1 cloves fresh garlic, minced
1/2 small onion, sliced
1 cups squash, sliced
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 ounce cream cheese
Salt and pepper

Brown bacon with onions and garlic and cook until onions are soft. Add sliced squash, cream and cream cheese. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until squash is soft and cream cheese is melted. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

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Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 7

Here’s what’s expected in our Spring week 7 shares:
(Shares may vary slightly depending on field/garden conditions)

Full Share: Carrots (double portion), Swiss chard, Rosemary, Cabbage (double portion), Broccoli or cauliflower, Radishes, Onion, Kale, Mizuna, Turnips, Beet greens, Squash, Amaranth leaves, Bok choy or Fennel, Edible flowers, Beans or Blackberries

Half Share: Carrots, Swiss chard, Rosemary, Cabbage, Broccoli or Cauliflower, Radishes, Edible flowers, Onion, Kale, Squash or Turnips

Blessing Falls Spring CSA - Week 7 Full Share.  (clockwise from top left) Carrots, turnips, cabbage, Bok choy, amaranth leaves, chard, onion, blackberries, Portuguese kale, cauliflower, beets, squash, Rosemary, kale, Chinese cabbage, radishes

Blessing Falls Spring CSA – Week 7 Full Share. (clockwise from top left) Carrots, turnips, cabbage, Bok choy, amaranth leaves, chard, onion, blackberries, Portuguese kale, cauliflower, beets, squash, Rosemary, kale, Chinese cabbage, radishes


This week you will receive some edible flowers in your share! We hope you enjoy adding them to your dishes. You may receive cosmos, zinnias and/or cilantro flowers.

Here’s a great blog post by another farm that we really enjoyed reading! They have posted 10 unique recipes that include zinnias!

Another recipe you’ll love is Chopped Salad using many of the varieties we’re harvesting recently.  Here’s a salad we made for Mother’s Day last Sunday.  Simply chop, dice, and mince the following into a large bowl and enjoy.  Optionally serve with ranch dressing.

Blessing Falls Spring Garden Chopped Salad

Blessing Falls Spring Garden Chopped Salad

1 cup Cabbage – chopped
1 cup Beet Greens – chopped
1/2 cup Broccoli – chopped
1/2 cup Cauliflower – chopped
1/2 cup Carrots – diced
1/2 cup Cucumber – diced
1/2 cup Avocado – diced
1/4 cup Dill – minced
1/4 cup Sunflower Seeds
1/4 teaspoon coarse salt

try adding other varieties from this week’s share: squash, radish, chard, etc.

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Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 6

We continue to receive beneficial rains and so far the farm has been spared from severe weather.  A few more calves are expected, the blackberries are beginning to ripen, and our new pigs are settling in well.

Here’s what’s expected in our Spring week 6 shares:
(Shares may vary slightly depending on field/garden conditions)

Full Share: Chard (double portion), Radishes (double portion), Dill, Carrots, Beet greens (double portion), Cabbages (double portion), Broccoli or cauliflower, Kale (double portion), Mizuna, Onion, Lettuce or squash, Edible flowers or microgreens, Turnips

Half Share:  Chard, Radishes, Dill, Carrots, Beets, Cabbage, Broccoli or Cauliflower, Kale, Mizuna, Onion

Blessing Falls Spring CSA - Week 6 Full Share.  (clockwise from top left) Carrots, Swiss chard, broccoli, edible flowers (cosmos), dill, kale, radishes, red cabbage, green cabbage, beets, squash, Portuguese kale, onion, mizuna, turnips

Blessing Falls Spring CSA – Week 6 Full Share. (clockwise from top left) Carrots, Swiss chard, broccoli, edible flowers (cosmos), dill, kale, radishes, red cabbage, green cabbage, beets, squash, Portuguese kale, onion, mizuna, turnips

Recipe: Try these beautiful baked beet chips!

3 medium-large beets, rinsed and scrubbed
Olive or canola oil
Sea Salt + Black Pepper
2-3 sprigs rosemary, roughly chopped

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and place oven rack in the center of the oven.
Thinly slice beets with a mandolin (or a sharp knife), getting them as consistently thin as possible. They should curl a little when cut. This will ensure even baking and crispiness.
Divide between two baking sheets and spray or very lightly drizzle with olive oil. Add a pinch of salt and the rosemary. Toss to coat, then arrange in a single layer, making sure the slices aren’t touching.
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until crispy and slightly brown. Be sure to watch closely past the 15 minute mark as they can burn quickly.
Remove from oven, let cool. Then serve.

We also made Radish Greens Soup last week.  We simplified it by not using the food mill or straining it – instead we used our stick blender right in the pot.  Even our picky 8 year old loved it!

Find lots of other great recipes for this week’s veggies on our Pinterest page

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Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 5

Here’s what’s expected in our Spring week 5 shares:
(Shares may vary slightly depending on field/garden conditions)

Full Share: Chard (double portion), Lettuce mix, Mizuna, Radishes (double portion), Broccoli or cauliflower (double portion), Onion, Cilantro, Dill, Cabbage, Beet greens (double portion), Turnips or peas, Carrots, Kale, Spinach

Half Share: Chard, Lettuce mix, Mizuna, Radishes, Broccoli, Onion, Cilantro, Dill, Cabbage, Beet greens

Blessing Falls Spring Week 5 Full Share: Radishes, Swiss chard, turnips, beet greens, broccoli, spinach, lettuce mix, cauliflower, cilantro, dill, onion, Chinese cabbage, kale, mizuna, carrots

Blessing Falls Spring Week 5 Full Share. (clockwise from top left) Radishes, Swiss chard, turnips, beet greens, broccoli, spinach, lettuce mix, cauliflower, cilantro, dill, onion, Chinese cabbage, kale, mizuna, carrots

Here’s a good recipe for your greens and onion

One Pot Pasta

4 cups of water
1 onion, sliced
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 sausage links, sliced into bite size pieces
3 sprigs of basil, washed and chopped
1 16 oz. box of pasta (we like penne)
1-2 cups of any combination of veggies you’d like to use (kale, chard, spinach, beet greens, mizuna)
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in a large pot except for cheeses. Cook on high heat, stirring occasionally, until pasta is tender and water has cooked away, – about 15 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in cheeses and serve!

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Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 4

Here’s what’s expected in our Spring week 4 shares:
(Shares may vary slightly depending on field/garden conditions)

Full share: Spinach (double portion), Lettuce mix, Green cabbage, Radishes, Cilantro, Onion, Broccoli or Cauliflower, Kale (double portion), Mizuna, Beets, Swiss Chard, Head lettuce, Parsley, Carrots or peas, Pea shoots

Half share: Spinach, Lettuce mix, Radishes, Cilantro, Onion, Broccoli or Cauliflower, Chinese(Napa) cabbage, Beet greens, Swiss Chard

Blessing Falls Sprin CSA Week 4 Full Share (clockwise from top left) Parsley, carrots, cilantro, beets, broccoli, mizuna, lettuce, onion, Portuguese kale, lettuce mix, green cabbage, 2 bags spinach, pea shoots, radishes, curly kale, Swiss chard

Blessing Falls Spring CSA Week 4 Full Share (clockwise from top left) Parsley, carrots, cilantro, beets, broccoli, mizuna, lettuce, onion, Portuguese kale, lettuce mix, green cabbage, 2 bags spinach, pea shoots, radishes, curly kale, Swiss chard

Here’s a recipe idea using Chinese Cabbage, Mizuna, and Cilantro.

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Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 3

Here’s what’s expected in our Spring week 3 shares:
(Shares may vary slightly depending on field/garden conditions)

Half share: Lettuce mix, Beet greens, Portuguese Kale, Spinach, Chard, Mizuna, Green onions, Dill, Cilantro

Full share: Lettuce mix, Lettuce head, Portuguese Kale, Spinach, Chard, Green onions, Dill, Cilantro, Sunflower sprouts/pea shoots, Chinese cabbage, Broccoli or Microgreens or Peas, Parsley, Mizuna, Beets (double portion)

Blessing Falls CSA Spring 2016 Week 3 - Full Share

Blessing Falls CSA Spring 2016 Week 3 – Full Share


Here’s one of our favorites. We’ve also made this recipe with broccoli or green beans as well as mizuna.

Chinese Turkey with Mizuna 

1 lb. ground turkey
1 tbsp. Sesame oil
1 green onion, thinly sliced
2 tsp. garlic, chopped
1 tbsp. Soy sauce
1 tbsp. Rice vinegar
2 tbsp. Hoisin sauce
1/2 tbsp. Sugar
Half bunch mizuna, washed and torn into smaller pieces
1 tsp. Red pepper flakes (optional)

Brown turkey with garlic and green onion in sesame oil. Add all other ingredients; cook over medium heat about 5 minutes until mizuna is just cooked. Serve over rice.

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Austin 2016 Spring CSA – Week 2

Here’s what’s expected in our Spring week 2 shares:
(Shares may vary slightly depending on field/garden conditions)

Half share:  Kale, Lettuce (double portion), Spinach, Chard, Cilantro, Green onions, Mizuna or sunflower sprouts 

Full share: Kale, Lettuce (double portion), Spinach, Beet greens (double portion), Cilantro, Green onions, Mizuna or sunflower sprouts, Broccoli greens, Pea shoots, Microgreens, Onion scapes, Chard, Dill, Asparagus or extra kale

Blessing Falls CSA Spring 2016 Week 2 - Full Share

Blessing Falls CSA Spring 2016 Week 2 – Full Share

Here’s a super easy, family favorite recipe! You can use your greens in this recipe and it’s easily adapted to include almost any veggie or herb! Add onion or onion scapes for some extra flavor too!

Sausage and Penne Pasta

1 box Penne Pasta
1 package Eckrich sausage links
1 Tablespoon crushed garlic
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 bunch Swiss chard or kale
grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

Cook and drain pasta. Meanwhile, slice sausage and brown in skillet with olive oil and garlic. Wash greens and tear into smaller pieces if necessary. Add greens to sausage a little at a time (they will cook down so you can continue adding more). You may need to add a little more olive oil as you add the greens. Add sausage and greens to pasta. Salt to taste. Sprinkle with Parmesan after serving.

Here’s a note on using onion scapes:

One of our CSA member families posted several recipes they enjoyed with last week’s share (see our Facebook page).  All recipes serve 2.

Greens w/ bacon & apple:
Swiss chard & beet greens
4 slices of bacon
1 Gala apple
1 small red bell pepper
1 small onion
Fry the bacon, drain it (not completely). Sautee bell pepper & onion w/ bacon. Add sliced apple, chard & beet greens, cook until greens are soft but not mushy.

Baked kale w/ garlic & parmesan
Olive oil (about 1 Tbsp)
1/4 c shredded parmesan
1/4 c grated parmesan
1/4 c minced garlic
Tear kale into small pieces. Toss kale w/ olive oil. Add garlic & cheese, mix thoroughly. Spread on cookie sheet (might want to use parchment paper). Bake at 400 until kale is crispy and cheese is starting to brown (15-20 minutes), stirring every 5 minutes (optional, but it does even the cooking).

Grass Fed Ground Beef & sprouts warm salad
Sunflower sprouts
2 green onions, chopped
8 oz grass fed ground beef
2 tsp seasoned salt (or other seasoning mix)
2 oz soft cheese (I used Laughing Cow, but goat cheese would work well)
2 Tbsp raspberry vinaigrette dressing (I use Ken’s Lite Raspberry Walnut)
Brown ground beef w/ your seasoning. Cut cheese and mizuna into bite-sized pieces. Toss all ingredients. Eat it immediately so you get the alternating hot and cold.

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